Welcome to Callington YFC... Cabaret Final at Hall For Cornwall 2nd February... this event is TICKET ONLY... £10 Adults £6 Kids. Speak to Lauren or County Office for details...



Friday 11 October 2013

Annual General Meeting

Callington YFC held their 72nd Annual General Meeting on Thursday 10th October, at Polhilsa. The outoging Chairman, Andrew Eley presented a cheque for £2500 to , a charity which helps injured servicemen who are based at HMS Drake, in Plymouth

In the business that followed, new officers for 2013/14 were elected, with Ashley Jones becoming the new Chairman, Lauren Bellas the new secretary, and Sam Boundy staying on for a further year at Treasurer. For a full list of the new officers click on the officers page above.

Lauren then gave her and Cat Ede's Secretary's report (as Cat was in New Zealand), and Kevin Hoare summed up the year in the Club Leaders' Report. New County Chairman, Tracey Knowles summed up Callington's year on a county scale.

President, Phil Cuming congratulated the good work of the club and wished the same for the coming year.